Conflict Management: Assessment, Remediation and Restoration
Conflict within an organization or workplace is very costly. It results in personal stress and frustration for the individuals involved and can create a toxic environment for all. This can significantly prevent an organization from achieving its goals.
Our approach: We will conduct a thorough examination and analysis of a particular conflict situation with a view to recommending an appropriate resolution process. A comprehensive tailored strategy is employed for working through divisive and challenging issues and building and maintaining a collaborative work atmosphere. This includes assessment and analysis, human resource management, alternative dispute resolution including negotiation, mediation, and facilitation, team building, conflict resolution process design, skills training, and coaching . Our focus is on identifying the root causes of conflict and drawing on all available disciplines to implement practical solutions that rebuild and restore a positive and healthy workplace environment.
CRS Atlantic will moderate discussions, establish communication guidelines, balance participation, provide feedback, keep discussions focused and work towards solutions agreeable to everyone on the team. Facilitation fosters collaboration and builds consensus.
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